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Superior Deep-blue Enchanted Ink

Superior Deep-blue Enchanted Ink Sale History

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2 results found

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Superior Deep-blue Enchanted Ink Current Listings

Avg Price Difference

0 gil

Median Price Difference

0 gil

Avg Time Difference

0 minutes

Median Time Difference

0 minutes

Minimum Price

5,000 gil

Price Per Unit
Retainer Name
Last Review Time

4 days ago


4 days ago

2 results found

Fortifying ink with powder created by grinding down multi-aspected crystals has been found to improve aetherial conductivity several times more than ink fortified with common metals. The concentration of this bottle's contents appears to be remarkably high. Das Verstärken von Tinte mit Pulver aus Kristallen, die mit mehreren Elementen geladen sind, verbessert die ätherische Leitfähigkeit um ein Vielfaches gegenüber dem Verstärken mit gewöhnlichen Metallen. Die Konzentration in diesem Fläschchen scheint erstaunlich hoch zu sein. Fortifying ink with powder created by grinding down multi-aspected crystals has been found to improve aetherial conductivity several times more than ink fortified with common metals. The concentration of this bottle's contents appears to be remarkably high. Une encre dont la conductivité éthéréenne a été grandement améliorée par l'incorporation de poudre d'agrégat azur. 複属性クラスターの粉末を溶かし込んだ、エーテル伝導率が極めて高いインク