World of Warcraft API Upload Times
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Shows when the WoW auction house data was last uploaded.
Data Set Name |
EU Commodities |
NA Commodities |
Kilrogg, Winterhoof |
Proudmoore |
Kil'jaeden |
Tichondrius |
Silver Hand, Thorium Brotherhood, Farstriders |
Eitrigg, Shu'halo |
Alleria, Exodar, Medivh, Khadgar |
Hellscream, Gorefiend, Spinebreaker, Zangarmarsh, Wildhammer, Eredar |
Blackhand, Galakrond |
Whisperwind, Dentarg |
Illidan |
Stormreaver |
Stormrage |
Zul'jin |
Durotan, Ysera |
Bloodhoof, Duskwood |
Elune, Laughing Skull, Auchindoun, Cho'gall, Gilneas |
Arthas |
Warsong, Gorgonnash, The Forgotten Coast, Balnazzar, Alterac Mountains, Undermine, Anvilmar |
Bleeding Hollow |
Argent Dawn, The Scryers |
Sargeras |
Azgalor, Thunderlord, Destromath, Blood Furnace, Mannoroth, Nazjatar, Azshara |
Magtheridon, Anetheron, Ysondre, Altar of Storms |
Dragonmaw, Uldum, Akama, Korialstrasz, Eldre'Thalas, Mug'thol, Antonidas |
Silvermoon, Skywall, Terenas, Hydraxis, Drak'thul, Borean Tundra, Mok'Nathal, Shadowsong |
Eonar, Skullcrusher, Gul'dan, Zuluhed, Ursin, Andorhal, Black Dragonflight, Velen, Scilla |
Llane, Arygos |
Earthen Ring |
Malygos, Garona, Lightning's Blade, Icecrown, Onyxia, Burning Blade |
Aggramar, Fizzcrank |
Suramar, Windrunner, Darrowmere, Draka |
Dragonblight, Fenris |
Draenor, Echo Isles |
Bronzebeard, Shandris |
Feathermoon, Scarlet Crusade |
Darkspear |
Azjol-Nerub, Muradin, Nordrassil, Blackrock, Khaz Modan |
Shadow Council, Sisters of Elune, Cenarion Circle, Blackwater Raiders |
Firetree, Drak'Tharon, Rivendare, Vashj, Spirestone, Malorne, Frostwolf, Stormscale |
Runetotem, Uther |
Detheroc, Dethecus, Lethon, Blackwing Lair, Shadowmoon, Haomarush |
Kalecgos, Shattered Halls, Executus, Deathwing |
Dark Iron, Shattered Hand, Coilfang, Demon Soul, Dalvengyr |
Greymane, Tanaris |
Staghelm, Dawnbringer, Madoran, Azuremyst |
Emerald Dream |
Maelstrom, Twisting Nether, Lightninghoof, The Venture Co, Ravenholdt |
Garona, Sargeras, Ner'zhul |
Vol'jin, Chants eternels |
Arak-arahm, Rashgarroth, Kael'thas, Throk'Feroth |
Dethecus, Theradras, Onyxia, Mug'thol, Terrordar |
Lothar, Baelgun, Azshara, Krag'jin |
Arthas, Blutkessel, Wrathbringer, Durotan, Kel'Thuzad, Vek'lor, Tirion |
Blackmoore, Tichondrius, Lordaeron |
Blackrock |
Thrall, Kargath, Ambossar |
Nefarian, Gilneas, Destromath, Ulduar, Mannoroth, Gorgonnash, Nera'thor |
Kor'gall, Executus, Shattered Hand, Bloodfeather, Terokkar, Saurfang, Darkspear, Burning Steppes |
Alexstrasza, Terokkar |
Kirin Tor, Steamwheedle Cartel, Sentinels |
Ravencrest, Uldaman |
Khadgar, Bloodhoof |
Kul Tiras, Alonsus, Anachronos |
Dentarg, Tarren Mill |
Moonglade, Steamwheedle Cartel, The Sha'tar |
Emeriss, Twilight's Hammer, Bloodscalp, Crushridge, Agamaggan, Hakkar |
Drak'thul, Burning Blade |
Scarshield Legion, Sporeggar, Earthen Ring, Defias Brotherhood, Ravenholdt, Darkmoon Faire, The Venture Co |
Ysera, Malorne |
Malygos, Malfurion |
Rexxar, Alleria |
Anetheron, Kil'jaeden, Rajaxx, Festung der Sturme, Gul'dan, Nathrezim |
Nazjatar, Zuluhed, Dalvengyr, Aman'Thul, Frostmourne, Anub'arak |
Die Arguswacht, Die ewige Wacht, Die Todeskrallen, Das Syndikat, Der abyssische Rat, Kult der Verdammten, Das Konsortium, Die Silberne Hand |
Uldaman, Drek'Thar, Krasus, Eitrigg |
Confrerie du Thorium, La Croisade ecarlate, Culte de la Rive noire, Les Sentinelles, Kirin Tor, Les Clairvoyants, Conseil des Ombres |
Agamaggan, Kargath, Burning Legion, Thunderhorn, The Underbog, Blade's Edge, Archimonde, Norgannon, Jaedenar |
Aegwynn, Gurubashi, Bonechewer, Hakkar, Garrosh, Daggerspine |
Chromaggus, Nathrezim, Smolderthorn, Anub'arak, Arathor, Garithos, Drenden, Crushridge |
Kul Tiras, Bladefist |
Rexxar, Misha |
Cairne, Cenarius, Frostmane, Tortheldrin, Ner'zhul, Korgath, Perenolde |
Wyrmrest Accord |
Trollbane, Grizzly Hills, Malfurion, Lothar, Kael'thas, Gnomeregan, Moonrunner, Ghostlands |
Vek'nilash, Nazgrel, Nesingwary |
Sen'jin, Dunemaul, Maiev, Bloodscalp, Quel'dorei, Boulderfist, Stonemaul |
Baelgun, Doomhammer |
Outland |
Archimonde |
Grim Batol, Aggra (Portuguus), Frostmane |
Kazzak |
Chamber of Aspects |
Pozzo dell'Eternita |
Wildhammer, Thunderhorn |
Elune, Varimathras |
Nemesis |
Aggramar, Hellscream |
Ravencrest |
Suramar, Medivh |
Ysondre |
Dun Modr, C'Thun |
Zul'jin, Uldum, Sanguino, Shen'dralar |
Tyrande, Los Errantes, Colinas Pardas |
Exodar, Minahonda |
Lightbringer, Mazrigos |
Hyjal |
Bronze Dragonflight, Nordrassil |
Quel'Thalas, Azjol-Nerub |
Un'Goro, Sen'jin, Area 52 |
Garrosh, Shattrath, Nozdormu, Perenolde, Teldrassil |
Turalyon, Doomhammer |
Draenor |
Todeswache, Zirkel des Cenarius, Der Mithrilorden, Forscherliga, Der Rat von Dalaran, Die Nachtwache |
Arygos, Khaz'goroth |
Norgannon, Dun Morogh |
Blade's Edge, Eonar, Vek'nilash, Aerie Peak, Bronzebeard |
Azuremyst, Stormrage |
Drakkari |
Aerie Peak |
Ragnaros |
Quel'Thalas |
Hellfire, Runetotem, Arathor, Kilrogg, Nagrand |
Karazhan, Dragonblight, The Maelstrom, Ghostlands, Lightning's Blade, Deathwing |
Auchindoun, Dunemaul, Sylvanas, Jaedenar |
Shattered Halls, Chromaggus, Sunstrider, Balnazzar, Talnivarr, Ahn'Qiraj, Daggerspine, Laughing Skull, Trollbane, Boulderfist |
Gordunni |
Soulflayer |
Deathguard |
Galakrond, Deepholm, Razuvious |
Howling Fjord |
Die Aldor |
Marecage de Zangar, Cho'gall, Eldre'Thalas, Sinstralis, Dalaran |
Fordragon |
Naxxramas, Arathi, Illidan, Temple noir |
Azuregos |
Ashenvale |
Eversong |
Goldrinn, Lich King, Greymane |
Blackscar, Deathweaver, Borean Tundra, Thermaplugg, Grom, Booty Bay |
Stormscale |
Terenas, Emerald Dream |
Goldrinn |
Nemesis, Tol Barad |
Azralon |
Gallywix |
Silvermoon |
Spinebreaker, Dragonmaw, Vashj, Stormreaver, Haomarush |
Genjuros, Zenedar, Bladefist, Neptulon, Frostwhisper, Darksorrow |
Hyjal |
Shadowsong, Aszune |
Twisting Nether |
Moon Guard |
Area 52 |
Thrall |
Aegwynn |
Magtheridon |
Ragnaros |
Dalaran |
Mal'Ganis |
Turalyon |
Antonidas |
Khaz Modan |
Echsenkessel, Blackhand, Mal'Ganis, Taerar |
Eredar |
Kel'Thuzad |
Lightbringer |
Nethersturm, Alexstrasza, Madmortem, Proudmoore |
Argent Dawn |
Frostwolf |
Al'Akir, Skullcrusher, Xavius, Burning Legion |
Caelestrasz, Nagrand, Saurfang |
Barthilas |
Frostmourne, Dreadmaul, Thaurissan, Jubei'Thos, Gundrak |
Khaz'goroth, Aman'Thul, Dath'Remar |
Shows when the WoW auction house data was last uploaded.
Page 1 / 18
Data Set ID | Last Upload Minute | Last Upload Time Raw | Region | Data Set Name |
1,379 | 29 | Fri, 21 Mar 2025 00:29:04 GMT | EU | Zul'jin, Uldum, Sanguino, Shen'dralar |
61 | 33 | Fri, 21 Mar 2025 00:33:07 GMT | NA | Zul'jin |
1,335 | 29 | Fri, 21 Mar 2025 00:29:04 GMT | EU | Ysondre |
1,097 | 29 | Fri, 21 Mar 2025 00:29:03 GMT | EU | Ysera, Malorne |
1,171 | 32 | Fri, 21 Mar 2025 00:32:23 GMT | NA | Wyrmrest Accord |
1,313 | 29 | Fri, 21 Mar 2025 00:29:03 GMT | EU | Wildhammer, Thunderhorn |
55 | 33 | Fri, 21 Mar 2025 00:33:02 GMT | NA | Whisperwind, Dentarg |
71 | 32 | Fri, 21 Mar 2025 00:32:53 GMT | NA | Warsong, Gorgonnash, The Forgotten Coast, Balnazzar, Alterac Mountains, Undermine, Anvilmar |
510 | 29 | Fri, 21 Mar 2025 00:29:03 GMT | EU | Vol'jin, Chants eternels |
1,184 | 32 | Fri, 21 Mar 2025 00:32:21 GMT | NA | Vek'nilash, Nazgrel, Nesingwary |
177 results found
Tracking the World of Warcraft API Upload Times for the Auction House: An Essential Tool for Gold Makers Introduction In the ever-evolving world of World of Warcraft (WoW), mastering the Auction House (AH) is a crucial aspect of gold making. For many players, understanding the timing and frequency of Auction House data uploads is a game-changer. The Auction House API provided by Blizzard offers invaluable data, but knowing when this data is updated can make all the difference in staying ahead of the market. This is where the Saddlebag Exchange comes into play, providing a dedicated page to track these upload times and offering players an edge in their gold-making endeavors. The Importance of Auction House Data Auction House data is the lifeblood of any serious gold maker in WoW. This data includes the current listings, prices, and trends for every item available on the Auction House. By analyzing this information, players can: Identify Market Trends: Recognize which items are in demand and which are not. Set Competitive Prices: Ensure their listings are competitively priced to attract buyers. Find Bargains: Spot underpriced items for potential profit. Manage Inventory: Decide which items to stockpile and which to sell. However, all these strategies hinge on having up-to-date data. Knowing when the Auction House data is refreshed through the API is essential for making timely decisions. Challenges with the Auction House API Blizzard’s Auction House API is a powerful tool, but it is not without its challenges. The primary issue for many players is the unpredictability of upload times. Data uploads can vary due to several factors, including server load, maintenance schedules, and other technical issues. During updates or outages, these upload times can become even more erratic, making it difficult for players to rely on the API for accurate and timely information. Introducing Saddlebag Exchange's Upload Timers To address this issue, Saddlebag Exchange has developed a comprehensive solution for tracking the Auction House API upload times. Their dedicated page, Saddlebag Exchange Upload Timers, provides real-time updates and historical data on the upload frequencies. Key Features of Saddlebag Exchange Upload Timers: Real-Time Tracking: Monitor the exact times when Auction House data is uploaded to the API. Historical Data: Access historical data to identify patterns and predict future uploads. Alerts and Notifications: Set up alerts to be notified when new data is available. User-Friendly Interface: Easy-to-navigate interface with clear and concise information. How It Works Saddlebag Exchange utilizes sophisticated algorithms and constant monitoring to track the Auction House API uploads. The system checks for new data at regular intervals, logs the exact time of each update, and displays this information in an easily accessible format. This allows players to plan their activities around the upload times, ensuring they always have the most current data at their fingertips. Why Timing Matters for Gold Making The timing of Auction House data uploads can significantly impact a player’s gold-making strategies. Here are a few scenarios where knowing the upload times is crucial: Price Fluctuations: Prices on the Auction House can fluctuate wildly. By knowing when the data is updated, players can react swiftly to price changes, buying low and selling high. Market Manipulation: Some players engage in market manipulation by buying out entire stocks of an item to control its price. Knowing the upload times can help players avoid falling victim to these tactics or even engage in them strategically. Competition: High-demand items often see fierce competition. Being the first to list an item at a competitive price after an update can make a significant difference in sales. Event-Driven Markets: During in-game events or expansions, certain items can spike in value. Tracking upload times ensures players can capitalize on these opportunities as soon as they arise. Dealing with API Downtime Blizzard’s API can experience downtime, particularly during updates or server maintenance. During these periods, the lack of fresh data can disrupt gold-making strategies. Saddlebag Exchange’s upload timers become even more valuable in these situations. By providing the last known upload times and predicting the next possible update, players can make informed decisions even when the API is down. Tips for Managing Downtime: Monitor Historical Patterns: Use historical data from Saddlebag Exchange to estimate when the next update might occur. Set Alerts: Utilize the alert system to get notified immediately when the API comes back online. Stay Informed: Keep an eye on official Blizzard channels and community forums for announcements regarding API status. Plan Ahead: During known maintenance windows, plan your buying and selling activities around the expected downtime to minimize disruptions. Conclusion In the competitive world of World of Warcraft gold making, staying ahead of the market is all about timing. The Auction House API provides crucial data, but knowing when this data is updated is the key to leveraging it effectively. Saddlebag Exchange’s upload timers offer a powerful tool for tracking these updates, ensuring players always have access to the freshest information. By utilizing this resource, gold makers can enhance their strategies, react swiftly to market changes, and maximize their profits even during API downtimes. Whether you’re a seasoned Auction House veteran or a newcomer looking to make your mark, understanding and utilizing the Auction House API upload times can give you the edge you need to succeed. Visit Saddlebag Exchange Upload Timers today and take control of your gold-making journey in World of Warcraft.