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Steward Permit

This permit allows the hiring of stewards on the estate. ※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively. Mit dieser Genehmigung können Diener speziell für die Unterkunft eingestellt werden. (Pro Zimmer/Wohnung, Hütte, Haus bzw. Residenz sind 4, 6, 8 bzw. 10 Diener möglich.) This permit allows the hiring of stewards on the estate. ※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively. Cette licence permet d'engager un employé de maison personnel pour son logement. [Les chambres individuelles et appartements peuvent héberger 4 personnes recrutées, les maisonnettes, pavillons et villas sont respectivement limités à 6, 8 et 10 personnes recrutées.] ハウス専属の使用人を雇用するための契約書 [雇用NPCは種類に関わらず配置できる人数が建物サイズで決まる(個室・アパルトメント:4人/S:6人/M:8人/L:10人)]

Steward Permit Sale History

Region Wide Pricing and Sales

Median Price Per Unit Sold


Average Price Per Unit Sold


Average Purchases per day


Total Purchases per week


Average Quantity Sold per day


Total Quantity Sold per week


Region Price History

Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Price Ranges in GilNo# of salesNo# of Purchases in Price Range300013694144941572030115350004442544450491154999500.250.50.7511.25

Region Wide Server Sales Distribution

Created with Highcharts 10.3.3ServerNo# of salesNo# of Sales per ServerAdamantoiseBalmungBehemothBrynhildrCactuarCoeurlCuchulainnDiabolosExcaliburExodusFaerieFamfritGilgameshGoblinGolemHalicarnassusHyperionJenovaKrakenLamiaLeviathanMaduinMalboroMarilithMateusMidgardsormrRafflesiaSargatanasSeraphSirenUltrosZalera0123

Region Wide Stack Size History

This table shows the sale history for the last 7 days in your region by stack size. Including which stack size is most popular by number of purchases and total quantity sold.

Bundle Size
No# Sales
% of Sales
% of Total Sold

1 results found

Home Server Sales per Hour

Created with Highcharts 10.3.3No# of SalesSales per Hour15:0018:0021:0000:0003:0006:0009:0012:0015:0018:0021:0000:0003:0006:0009:0012:0015:0018:0021:0000:0003:0006:0009:0012:0015:0018:0021:0000:0003:0006:0009:0012:0015:0018:0021:0000:0003:0006:0009:0012:0015:0018:0021:0000:0003:0006:0009:0012:0015:0018:0021:0000:0003:0006:0009:0012:0015:000

Region Wide Suspicious Sales

No suspicious sales found

Steward Permit Current Listings

Avg Price Difference

4,496 gil

Median Price Difference

4,496 gil

Minimum Price

70,000 gil

Price Per Unit
Retainer Name
Last Review Time

17 hours ago


17 hours ago


17 hours ago

3 results found