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Goblinol Sale History
Region Wide Pricing and Sales
Median Price Per Unit Sold
Average Price Per Unit Sold
Average Purchases per day
Total Purchases per week
Average Quantity Sold per day
Total Quantity Sold per week
Region Price History
Region Wide Server Sales Distribution
Region Wide Stack Size History
This table shows the sale history for the last 7 days in your region by stack size. Including which stack size is most popular by number of purchases and total quantity sold.
Bundle Size | No# Sales | % of Sales | % of Total Sold |
1 | 13 | 56.522 | 5.909 |
2 | 7 | 30.435 | 6.364 |
30 | 1 | 4.348 | 13.636 |
99 | 1 | 4.348 | 45 |
64 | 1 | 4.348 | 29.091 |
5 results found
Home Server Sales per Hour
Region Wide Suspicious Sales
No suspicious sales found
Goblinol Current Listings
Avg Price Difference
0 gil
Median Price Difference
0 gil
Avg Time Difference
0 minutes
Median Time Difference
0 minutes
Minimum Price
5,064 gil
Price Per Unit | Quality | Quantity | Total | Retainer Name | Last Review Time |
5,064 | 1 | 5,064 | Ganeffa | 13 hours ago |
1 results found
A potent solvent created by goblins and known for its biting odor said to resemble unrefined ceruleum. Ein von den Goblins entwickeltes Lösungsmittel. Wegen seines penetranten Geruchs wird empfohlen, bei Gebrauch eine Maske zu tragen. A potent solvent created by goblins and known for its biting odor said to resemble unrefined ceruleum. Un solvant développé par les Gobelins. L'usage d'un masque est recommandé afin de ne pas respirer les émanations fort peu agréables. ゴブリン族が開発した刺激臭のある溶媒