Moongrass Plot

Moongrass Plot Sale History

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1 results found

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Moongrass Plot Current Listings

Avg Price Difference

0 gil

Median Price Difference

0 gil

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0 minutes

Median Time Difference

0 minutes

Minimum Price

16,997 gil

Price Per Unit
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Last Review Time

5 days ago

1 results found

A sweet-smelling plant with delicate flowers that blossom only when kissed by the light of the moon. ※Up to ten flower plots may be placed in a single garden, regardless of type. Das zauberhafte Gras verbreitet den Schein des Mondes. (Es sind bis zu zehn Blumenbeete pro Anwesen möglich.) A sweet-smelling plant with delicate flowers that blossom only when kissed by the light of the moon. ※Up to ten flower plots may be placed in a single garden, regardless of type. Un pied d'herbelune pour buller tranquillement dans son jardin. [10 carrés de fleurs au maximum par jardin, tous types confondus] 造園用のゲッコウソウの群生 [花畑は種類に関わらず合計10個まで設置可能]