Modified Whale-class Bow

Modified Whale-class Bow Sale History

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Modified Whale-class Bow Current Listings

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Comprising the front end of a whale-class submersible, this specially reinforced bow will protect the vessel's interior even should it be caught directly in an undersea volcanic eruption. Das vordere Teil eines Tauchboots der Klasse „Whale II“. Der Bug wurde verstärkt, um einen besseren Schutz gegen unterseeische Vulkanausbrüche zu bieten. Zumindest theoretisch. Comprising the front end of a whale-class submersible, this specially reinforced bow will protect the vessel's interior even should it be caught directly in an undersea volcanic eruption. Une proue pour sous-marin de classe Baleine II. Elle a été renforcée pour résister à un impact direct d'éruption sous-marine. ホエール改級の艦首。海底火山の噴火の直撃を想定した防護性を誇る