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Modified Coelacanth-class Pressure Hull

Modified Coelacanth-class Pressure Hull Sale History

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Modified Coelacanth-class Pressure Hull Current Listings

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Comprising the center of a coelacanth-class submersible, this ovoid hull has been redesigned to be even more resilient against external water pressure, thereby further raising maximum operating depth. Der Rumpf eines Tauchboots der Klasse „Coelacanth II“. Diese eiförmige Hülle wurde entworfen, um hohem externen Wasserdruck zu widerstehen und damit größere Operationstiefen zu ermöglichen. Comprising the center of a coelacanth-class submersible, this ovoid hull has been redesigned to be even more resilient against external water pressure, thereby further raising maximum operating depth. Une coque pour sous-marin de classe Cœlacanthe II. Elle a été conçue pour résister à des pressions encore plus intenses que le modèle précédent. シーラカンス改級の艦体。耐圧殻の強固さが、さらに向上している