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Herring Ball
Herring Ball Sale History
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Herring Ball Current Listings
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5 gil
Price Per Unit | Quality | Quantity | Total | Retainer Name | Last Review Time |
5 | 22 | 110 | Comettail | 20 days ago | |
5 | 99 | 495 | Comettail | 20 days ago | |
5 | 99 | 495 | Comettail | 20 days ago | |
40 | 99 | 3,960 | Machipitou | 20 days ago | |
1,500 | 43 | 64,500 | Addelaide | 20 days ago |
5 results found
A ball of Indigo herring and sunset flour paste. Processed bait for ocean fishing. Ein kleiner, runder Ball aus Roggenmehl und Heringsfleisch. Gut geeignet, wenn man einen Hai fangen will. A ball of Indigo herring and sunset flour paste. Processed bait for ocean fishing. Une boulette faite de chair de hareng indigo mélangée à de la farine de blé.
Appât mélangé pour la pêche en mer. ニシン等を小麦粉で練って丸めた団子。海釣り用煉餌