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Imposing Ishgardian Shelf

Imposing Ishgardian Shelf Sale History

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1 results found

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Imposing Ishgardian Shelf Current Listings

Avg Price Difference

500 gil

Median Price Difference

500 gil

Avg Time Difference

0 minutes

Median Time Difference

0 minutes

Minimum Price

267,000 gil

Price Per Unit
Retainer Name
Last Review Time

2 days ago


2 days ago


2 days ago

3 results found

An exceedingly large frame that is so heavy it must be placed on the floor, rather than mounted on a wall. It features a striking image of Ishgard, so true to life that you can almost feel an icy chill exuding from the painting. Eine imposante Anrichte, die von einem Gemälde Ishgards selbst gekrönt ist. An exceedingly large frame that is so heavy it must be placed on the floor, rather than mounted on a wall. It features a striking image of Ishgard, so true to life that you can almost feel an icy chill exuding from the painting. Un grand meuble orné d'un imposant tableau dépeignant la sainte Cité d'Ishgard. イシュガルドの風景画が描かれた飾り棚