Basket of Flowers

Basket of Flowers Sale History

Region Wide Pricing and Sales

Median Price Per Unit Sold


Average Price Per Unit Sold


Average Purchases per day


Total Purchases per week


Average Quantity Sold per day


Total Quantity Sold per week


Region Price History

Region Wide Server Sales Distribution

Region Wide Stack Size History

This table shows the sale history for the last 7 days in your region by stack size. Including which stack size is most popular by number of purchases and total quantity sold.

Bundle Size
No# Sales
% of Sales
% of Total Sold

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Home Server Sales per Hour

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Basket of Flowers Current Listings

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A simple basket of blooms that will work wonders in brightening up your home, despite not requiring a great deal of space. Ein von der Gärtnerin Tanie mit viel Liebe zusammengestellter Blumenkorb. A simple basket of blooms that will work wonders in brightening up your home, despite not requiring a great deal of space. Un ravissant panier de fleurs choisies avec soin par la fleuriste Tanie. 花屋タニ厳選の花が入れられたバスケット