Though this hardy plant can grow almost anywhere, the snow-blasted precipices of Ishgard have so far proven too steep a challenge for it to overcome. This particular specimen was harvested in lower La Noscea, an environment far more conducive to plant life─or any sort of life, for that matter. Rohmaterial aus dem unteren La Noscea für den Wiederaufbau der Himmelsstadt. (Für Aufträge des Wiederaufbaus Ishgards.) Though this hardy plant can grow almost anywhere, the snow-blasted precipices of Ishgard have so far proven too steep a challenge for it to overcome. This particular specimen was harvested in lower La Noscea, an environment far more conducive to plant life─or any sort of life, for that matter. Une ressource de la Basse-Noscea destinée au chantier d'Azurée.
[Réservé à la reconstruction d'Ishgard] 低地ラノシアで採れるイシュガルド復興用資材