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Brave New Urianger

Brave New Urianger Sale History

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Despite its diminutive size, its arms are no less weapons than those of the man himself. Use item to acquire the brave new Urianger minion. Wer weiß, welche Gedanken sich hinter dieser hohen Stirn verbergen. Benutze diesen Gegenstand, um die neue Urianger-Puppe zu rufen. Despite its diminutive size, its arms are no less weapons than those of the man himself. Use item to acquire the brave new Urianger minion. [Mascotte] Une poupée magique représentant l'énigmatique Élézen dans sa tenue d'astromancien. ミニオン修得 ウリエンジェを模した魔法人形。占星術師の装い!