Timeless Turali Cloth

Timeless Turali Cloth Sale History

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Timeless Turali Cloth Current Listings

Avg Price Difference

0 gil

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0 gil

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0 minutes

Median Time Difference

0 minutes

Minimum Price

2,900,000 gil

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Last Review Time

4 hours ago


4 hours ago

2 results found

Though the base materials differ from that of modern Turali textiles, this lightweight, handwoven fabric was─and still is─considered ideal for clothing and accessories. Dieses wertvolle Material wurde auf Tural früher zur Herstellung traditioneller Kleidung verwendet. Der Herstellungsprozess weicht hierbei stark von dem anderer Stoffe ab. Though the base materials differ from that of modern Turali textiles, this lightweight, handwoven fabric was─and still is─considered ideal for clothing and accessories. Un tissu traditionnel ancien composé à partir de différents textiles turaliens. Sa méthode de fabrication ancestrale n'a plus grand-chose en commun avec celle des tissus actuels. かつてトラル大陸で衣類に用いられていた、伝統的な布地。現在流通する布とは製法が異なっている