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Blue Cattleyas

Blue Cattleyas are a rare and beautiful item in Final Fantasy XIV that hold a special significance in the game. These delicate blue flowers are known for their vibrant color and intricate petal patterns, making them a sought-after item by players and NPCs alike. In terms of gameplay, Blue Cattleyas have various uses and benefits. They can be used as a crafting material for certain recipes, as well as a decorative item for player housing. Additionally, Blue Cattleyas can also be exchanged for valuable rewards or sold for a high price on the market board. One way players can maximize their profit from selling Blue Cattleyas is through the Saddlebag Exchange feature. This feature allows players to compare prices of items across all servers, ensuring that they get the best price for their Blue Cattleyas. By utilizing the Saddlebag Exchange, players can easily find the most lucrative market to sell their flowers and make a tidy profit. In terms of lore, Blue Cattleyas are often associated with themes of beauty, rarity, and elegance in Final Fantasy XIV. They are often used in quests or storylines that revolve around nature, beauty, or romance, adding a touch of whimsy and charm to the game world. Overall, Blue Cattleyas are not just a visually stunning item in Final Fantasy XIV, but also a valuable and versatile resource for players. Whether used for crafting, decorating, or selling for profit, these flowers hold a special place in the hearts of players who appreciate their beauty and significance in the game world.

Blue Cattleyas Sale History

Region Wide Pricing and Sales

Median Price Per Unit Sold


Average Price Per Unit Sold


Average Purchases per day


Total Purchases per week


Average Quantity Sold per day


Total Quantity Sold per week


Region Price History

Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Price Ranges in GilNo# of salesNo# of Purchases in Price Range15003004500058996000970013870200004898900.250.50.7511.25

Region Wide Server Sales Distribution

Created with Highcharts 10.3.3ServerNo# of salesNo# of Sales per ServerAdamantoiseBalmungBehemothBrynhildrCactuarCoeurlCuchulainnDiabolosExcaliburExodusFaerieFamfritGilgameshGoblinGolemHalicarnassusHyperionJenovaKrakenLamiaLeviathanMaduinMalboroMarilithMateusMidgardsormrRafflesiaSargatanasSeraphSirenUltrosZalera0123

Region Wide Stack Size History

This table shows the sale history for the last 7 days in your region by stack size. Including which stack size is most popular by number of purchases and total quantity sold.

Bundle Size
No# Sales
% of Sales
% of Total Sold

3 results found

Home Server Sales per Hour

Created with Highcharts 10.3.3No# of SalesSales per Hour23:0003:0007:0011:0015:0019:0023:0003:0007:0011:0015:0019:0023:0003:0007:0011:0015:0019:0023:0003:0007:0011:0015:0019:0023:0003:0007:0011:0015:0019:0023:0003:0007:0011:0015:0019:0023:0003:0007:0011:0015:0019:0001234567

Blue Cattleyas Current Listings

Created with Highcharts 10.3.3PriceTotal QuantityMin Price & Total QuantityMinimum PriceTotal Quantity23:0002:0005:0008:0011:0014:0017:0020:0023:0002:0005:0008:0011:0014:0017:0020:0023:0002:0005:0008:0011:0014:0017:0020:0023:0002:0005:0008:0011:0014:0017:0020:0023:0002:0005:0008:0011:0014:0017:0020:0023:0002:0005:0008:0011:0014:0017:0020:0023:0002:0005:0008:0011:0014:0017:0020:0004k8k12k16k20k24k28k00.511.522.533.5

Avg Price Difference

0 gil

Median Price Difference

0 gil

Minimum Price

21,000 gil

Min Price vs Median


Total Quantity vs Median


Price Per Unit
Retainer Name
Last Review Time

10 days ago


10 days ago


10 days ago

3 results found