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Over-aspected Crystal

Over-aspected Crystal Sale History

Region Wide Pricing and Sales

Median Price Per Unit Sold


Average Price Per Unit Sold


Average Purchases per day


Total Purchases per week


Average Quantity Sold per day


Total Quantity Sold per week


Region Price History

Region Wide Server Sales Distribution

Region Wide Stack Size History

This table shows the sale history for the last 7 days in your region by stack size. Including which stack size is most popular by number of purchases and total quantity sold.

Bundle Size
No# Sales
% of Sales
% of Total Sold

1 results found

Home Server Sales per Hour

Region Wide Suspicious Sales

No suspicious sales found

Over-aspected Crystal Current Listings

Avg Price Difference

0 gil

Median Price Difference

0 gil

Avg Time Difference

0 minutes

Median Time Difference

0 minutes

Minimum Price

999,999 gil

Price Per Unit
Retainer Name
Last Review Time

59 days ago

1 results found

A crystalline manifestation of aetheric energy exhibiting an extreme elemental charge. Duration: 15s Diese kristalline Manifestation ätherischer Energie birgt eine starke elementare Ladung. Wird diese Energie freigesetzt, kann sie die Angriffskraft und das magische Potenzial eines Individuums kurzzeitig steigern. Wirkungsdauer: 15 Sekunden A crystalline manifestation of aetheric energy exhibiting an extreme elemental charge. Duration: 15s Un cristal qui a changé de couleur lorsque son élément s'est trouvé en surnombre. Il a le pouvoir d'augmenter temporairement l'attaque physique et magique. Durée d'effet: 15 secondes 特定の属性が過多になり変色したエーテル結晶 効果時間 0:15