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Oblong Garden Patch

Oblong Garden Patch Sale History

Region Wide Pricing and Sales

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Average Price Per Unit Sold


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Total Purchases per week


Average Quantity Sold per day


Total Quantity Sold per week


Region Price History

Region Wide Server Sales Distribution

Region Wide Stack Size History

This table shows the sale history for the last 7 days in your region by stack size. Including which stack size is most popular by number of purchases and total quantity sold.

Bundle Size
No# Sales
% of Sales
% of Total Sold

1 results found

Home Server Sales per Hour

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Oblong Garden Patch Current Listings

Avg Price Difference

0 gil

Median Price Difference

0 gil

Avg Time Difference

0 minutes

Median Time Difference

0 minutes

Minimum Price

115,000 gil

Price Per Unit
Retainer Name
Last Review Time

3 days ago

1 results found

A garden patch with room for six beds. ※Small, medium, and large estates can hold 1, 2, and 3 garden patches, respectively. Ein Beet mit 6 Anbaustellen. ※ Hütten, Häuser bzw. Residenzen können 1, 2 bzw. 3 Beete haben. A garden patch with room for six beds. ※Small, medium, and large estates can hold 1, 2, and 3 garden patches, respectively. Une parcelle cultivable qui peut accueillir 6 plants. [Les maisonnettes, les pavillons et les villas peuvent respectivement contenir 1, 2 ou 3 potagers.] 方形の畑 栽培可能な作物数 : 6 [畑は種類に関わらず設置できる数が土地サイズで決まる(S:1つ/M:2つ/L:3つ)]