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Kotatsu Table

Affects the amount of progress achieved in a single synthesis step. Kunstfertigkeit: Beeinflusst den Fortschritt der Synthese. Je höher dieser Wert, desto schneller geht die Synthese voran. Affects the amount of progress achieved in a single synthesis step. Influence la progression réalisée lors d'un tour d'une synthèse. 製作での作業の進み方に影響します。 作業精度が高いほど、作業が多く進みます。 Affects the amount of quality improved in a single synthesis step. Kontrolle: Beeinflusst die Qualität bei der Synthese. Je höher dieser Wert, desto schneller steigt die Qualität an. Affects the amount of quality improved in a single synthesis step. Influence la qualité réalisée lors d'un tour d'une synthèse. 製作での品質の上がり方に影響します。 加工精度が高いほど、品質が多く上がります。 Upon the back of this crystal plaque are engraved the myriad creations of carpenters from eras past. Wenn du diesen Handwerker-Kristall anlegst, wirst du als Zimmerer zum Spezialisten. Upon the back of this crystal plaque are engraved the myriad creations of carpenters from eras past. Ce joyau renferme les souvenirs et les secrets des menuisiers des temps passés. 木工師のマイスターとして認められた証 A table designed in the Doman fashion. The underside has been treated with strange Eastern magicks to emit heat during the winter months. Ein Tisch im domanischen Stil. Die Unterseite ist mit einer seltsamen fernöstlichen Magie versehen, die in den Wintermonaten Wärme abstrahlt. A table designed in the Doman fashion. The underside has been treated with strange Eastern magicks to emit heat during the winter months. Cette table chauffante domienne dégage une énergie irrésistible. ドマ様式の暖房家具。東方の妖術により、抗いがたい魔力を宿す

Kotatsu Table Sale History

Region Wide Pricing and Sales

Median Price Per Unit Sold


Average Price Per Unit Sold


Average Purchases per day


Total Purchases per week


Average Quantity Sold per day


Total Quantity Sold per week


Region Price History

Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Price Ranges in GilNo# of salesNo# of Purchases in Price Range24999289984780047900650007545077750800008398483993849758989290790974851000001077001700001990470123

Region Wide Server Sales Distribution

Created with Highcharts 10.3.3ServerNo# of salesNo# of Sales per ServerAdamantoiseBalmungBehemothBrynhildrCactuarCoeurlCuchulainnDiabolosExcaliburExodusFaerieFamfritGilgameshGoblinGolemHalicarnassusHyperionJenovaKrakenLamiaLeviathanMaduinMalboroMarilithMateusMidgardsormrRafflesiaSargatanasSeraphSirenUltrosZalera01234

Region Wide Stack Size History

This table shows the sale history for the last 7 days in your region by stack size. Including which stack size is most popular by number of purchases and total quantity sold.

Bundle Size
No# Sales
% of Sales
% of Total Sold

1 results found

Home Server Sales per Hour

Created with Highcharts 10.3.3No# of SalesSales per Hour14:0017:0020:0023:0002:0005:0008:0011:0014:0017:0020:0023:0002:0005:0008:0011:0014:0017:0020:0023:0002:0005:0008:0011:0014:0017:0020:0023:0002:0005:0008:0011:0014:0017:0020:0023:0002:0005:0008:0011:0014:0017:0020:0023:0002:0005:0008:0011:0014:0017:0020:0023:0002:0005:0008:0011:0014:0000.250.50.7511.25

Region Wide Suspicious Sales

No suspicious sales found

Kotatsu Table Current Listings

Avg Price Difference

3,009 gil

Median Price Difference

2,000 gil

Minimum Price

85,970 gil

Price Per Unit
Retainer Name
Last Review Time

15 hours ago


15 hours ago


15 hours ago


15 hours ago

4 results found